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Writing effect content requires a combination of skill and flare. My personal style would be considered relatable, humourous and well researched.
7 Steps To Keeping Your Fitness Resolution
Keeping Your Fitness Resolution It’s that time of year again. Getting through the holiday season filled with turkey dinners and...
Lose Your Love Handles in 14 Days for Valentine's Day.
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. Love is in the air. But the kind of love we don’t want around on February 14 this the dreaded...
Do Promo Products Even Work Anymore?
So there I was, last night, looking at beautifying my home with some nice new address numbers. I checked out a number of different web...
A Cobb Salad Increased Sales?
Recently I went out for a nice night out, and as most night out’s start, ours started with dinner. The destination of choice on this day...
Brand vs. Logo
It has often been a question, what is the most important aspect of design for my business. Different people can come up with many...
Your Local Naturopathic Doctor
In the modern era, after the advent of the internet, it has created an exciting new way for businesses to generate new customers. A mere...
Graphic Design and Cars
When I recently purchased my new car it gave me lots to think about. Where will I park it? I don’t want it scratched. How often do I...
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