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Lose Your Love Handles in 14 Days for Valentine's Day.

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. Love is in the air. But the kind of love we don’t want around on February 14 this the dreaded love handles.

First things first, let’s talk facts. An Ab Workout won't do a thing by itself, you need to mix it up if you want to blast those love handles away.

Love handles are made up of fat deposits. To get rid of excess fat, you need a combination of cardio fitness and a healthy diet. Once that fat begins to shrink, you’ll be able to see all of that hard work paying off. Toning your obliques is the goal, but how is this achieved?

Here’s the plan:

First off, eat healthy EVERYDAY. Choosing healthy alternatives like fruits and vegetables instead of salty or sugar filled snacks is a great first step.

Keep track of your calories. Figure out how many calories you're burning daily and make the correct adjustments to your diet. Remember that a 500 deficient in calories a day will add up to a 1 lb loss by the end of the week!

Add a 30 minute cardio session EVERY OTHER DAY. Go for a walk, run, dance, do some jumping jacks. Do anything to get your heart rate going. And remember, if you enjoy what you are doing, it will be easier to keep it up.

Follow this Love Handle Workout routine for 6 DAYS. Not only will you target those unwanted love handles, but you’ll be firming your core as well. This is called a win-win.

Mason Twists–x50

Plank Up-Downs-x50

Side Plank Hip Lifts–x25 each side

Bicycle Crunches-x50


Repeat this circuit 3 times.

The 7th day will be your REST DAY. There is such a thing as too much exercise. By taking a day to let your muscles recover will increase the efficiency of your body's fat burning capabilities.

Repeat this routine for Week 2.

By following these simple steps for 14 days, you will not only feel good for Valentine’s Day, you will be taking a huge first step towards a healthier lifestyle.


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