Do Promo Products Even Work Anymore?

So there I was, last night, looking at beautifying my home with some nice new address numbers. I checked out a number of different web sites and found so many different styles that would fit in with my decor. Afterwards I went to a completely different web site, and to no surprise, advertising flooded my screen. Not just any advertising, but a series of ads for house numbers.
It is almost frightening how precisely the advertisers can cater what you see based on what you are looking for. It's like we are being watched. The advertisers have a secret system, a machine that spies on us every hour of every day. Sorry, got carried away there. Anyone that has seen Person of Interest will understand.
Back to my point, companies pay big bucks to ensure that when you search for something on the internet that their advertisement shows up on every web page. It almost feels like we are being followed through the world wide web and being catered on hand and foot to make our shopping experience as easy as possible. Which is convenient, until I go on the computer after my boyfriend and have to look at ads for motorcycle parts.
This got me thinking, with the interwebs taking over the world, is there still a spot for promo products, the bases of Marcc Apparel. With 24/7 access to promotions based on what you are looking for it does beg to question whether traditional more personal forms of marketing are still viable. Can we justify investing in marketing material such as pens, tee shirts, mugs and other handy little devices.
To tell you the truth, it didn't take me long to figure out my answer, and all i had to do to find this answer was look across my desk. Sitting here on my desk is a pen from a local small town appliance store, I have a number of their pens lying around.
Now a little flash back, a while ago we needed a new cloths dryer. We did a lot of research into different brands and styles, and with that came a non stop parade of advertisements for appliances from a seemingly endless supply of appliance stores. In the end, we bought from the place that personally handed us that pen. It was not just because of the pen, the service and free delivery played a huge role, but the pen was there to remind us of them and ultimately they received our business because of the personal connection.
So does stalking the customer out weigh marketing material? I personally think there is still a lot of room for the more personal approach to marketing. It's not just a pen or a flashlight or hat, it is a personal introduction and a friendly reminder that "we are here to help you. Besides, some of the best pens I have ever used came with a company name on it.