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Graphic Design and Cars

Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder 2009

When I recently purchased my new car it gave me lots to think about. Where will I park it? I don’t want it scratched. How often do I clean it? I want to keep it nice. When is the best time to put the top down? By the way, it’s a convertible. With all of the questions that I had, it hit me, owning a new car is a lot like Graphic Design.

Now just wait, hear me out. After getting a new car, you always try to find that parking spot that is off on its own, with nobody else around. I don’t need any unnecessary scratches. In the same way, when laying out a design, we always leave room around the edges in the event the corners get ripped or that they are not outside of the “safe area” in videos. Besides, as in designing, a new car is much more stunning sitting alone with a nice back drop.

Another important aspect of design is font and colour. I spent a long time deciding on the type of car and the colour that I wanted. I needed this car to accurately represent who I am. In the same way, choosing the right font and colour is important in sending the right message. And as anyone in business or into cars knows, the right message is essential.

Finally, fit and finish is crucial whether you are talking about design or cars. Having the right functionality and the right graphics are equally as important as having the right options in your car. I mean, could you imagine having a convertible without a heater or an advertisement that doesn’t have any contact information. Really, how silly would that be.

The comparisons are endless when talking about my two passions. Whether its Graphic Design or my new car, both are in fact very closely related. There is one big difference though. As I finish up my love of designing for the week, my attention turns to my other passion. Maybe I’ll see you at the beach; I’ll be the one in the convertible.

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